NPO Democrats Research Institute Npo

Study of Izumo

When it comes to Izumo mythology or Izumooyashiro, it is so famous that it is difficult to find a Japanese that I have never heard of, but what kind of people were there in ancient Izumo and what were they doing?
Before the discovery of the Kojindani archeological site, Izumo had long been said to be a picture pity in the blank area of bronze ware and Izumo mythology. However, starting with the discovery of the Kojindani archeological site in 1984, the Kamo Iwakura archeological site, Izumooyashiro precincts, and Mt. Tawa ruins, which tell the prosperity of ancient Izumo.Izumo has been reTomb mound.
We are engaged in activities to make people living in this area and to people outside the prefecture who visit here, and to talk about the history and culture of Izumo.
As a designated manager of the Kojindani archeological site and museum, I would like to enjoy the various history and culture of Izumo with you and deepen your discussion.

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Izumo Gakushin Telecommunications

This page contains reports on the Izumo Studies Forum and an introduction to the history and culture of Izumo.

Izumo Research Institute blog
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